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Trash cans are the eyesores of city life, like the grimy physical manifestation of popped pimples overflowing with bags and Chinese takeout ooze. The Olympics? A magnifying glass on a city's life. That's why it's not surprising to see London introduce new, stylish trash cans as a quick makeover -- and they just so happen to be bombproof, with dual giant LCD screens and Wi-Fi hotspots. Continue reading » |
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While searching for a way to create an OS X app for Path's social network, hacker Arun Thampi stumbled on to something that could raise privacy issues with the app. Continue reading » |
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The Olympus OM-D E-M5 is crammed full of impressive features: the fastest autofocus among interchangeable lens cameras (or so says Olympus). The E-M5 pushes a ridiculous 9 frames per second of 16-megapixel RAW photos. It's the first mirrorless camera with a magnesium alloy body—weatherproof and dustproof, yo!—and packs the world's first 5-axis image stabilisation. That's up from 2-axis in the PEN E-P3 and the E5 DSLR. But what does any of that mean to a regular person? Continue reading » |
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Is there a limit on how big your smartphone can be before it can be called a tablet? LG is attempting to find out, judging by this teaser vid for its upcoming Optimus Vu—a five-inch, 4:3 ratio behemoth. [LG Blog via The Verge] Continue reading » |
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Apple has recently integrated its Genius recommendation system, already an iTunes staple, into the Apple TV environment via a silent update. The service will be available for both episodic content as well as movies, based on your previous content purchases. It's accessible from the new Genius menu option for the 4.2 million or so households that have purchased the Apple TV so far. [Apple Insider] Continue reading » |
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I like the idea of an iPad as a second (or maybe third) screen, and an articulating arm that can position a tablet just so sounds great. But staring at Twelve South's new HoverBar, I feel like I'm staring at something that would be at home in a cubical at any sterile office building. Continue reading » |
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This sterling silver coffee pot, standing less than an inch tall, is actually capable of brewing your morning fix. That is, of course, if you don't need much caffeine to start your day. Continue reading » |
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According to new radiocarbon dating tests, these are the first paintings ever made by humans. They are seals painted more than 42,000 years ago, located in the Cave of Nerja, in Málaga, Spain. And they may turn our idea of humanity upside down. Continue reading » |
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For decades, the restaurant trade has believed that there's a sweet spot on the menus they hand to you — a section in the the upper right corner, where your gaze will focus — and that's where they tend to list their highest mark-up dishes. But are we really that gullible? Surprisingly enough, no. Continue reading » |
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Facebook is the place we look at photos online. And for years, those photos have been constrained to tiny boxes and ugly, low-resolution uploads. No more! Facebook's new picture browser is here: your life is now giant and pretty. Continue reading » |
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Google's Chrome browser has been chewing up market share on desktops and laptops for a while now, and now they're going mobile. If you've got an Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) phone or tablet you can download it now, and it's a BIG step forward. Continue reading » |
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The London Olympics were supposed to provide UK firms with work — the British taxpayer has to foot the ginormous bill for these dubiously profitable games somehow, after all.Now it turns out that something seemingly as simple as printing tickets for the events has been outsourced to the US, and it's going to cost you £6 in postage for the privilege. What. The. Hell Continue reading » |
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In a story you just couldn't make up even if you tried, a junior Sussex police officer sent a plain-clothes copper on a wild goose-chase around town, literally chasing his own shadow for 20 minutes. Continue reading » |
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With prosthetic limbs designed to look like a human foot, wearing a shoe is no problem. But the unique shape of those carbon fibre prosthetic blades worn by athletes obviously can't accommodate a traditional shoe, so Nike invented a new one. Continue reading » |
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A circus performance ended abruptly when a motorcycle jump went horribly wrong and the rider hit a wire at the apex of his jump. Continue reading » |
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The must-have app on the iPhone is not iMessage. It's not iTunes or Safari or even Find My iPhone. It's Instagram, the photo-sharing app that once described itself as "quirky." Cultish would be more appropriate these days. Continue reading » |
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The thing with edible panties is that if I'm going to have to eat something that's been girding my partner's loins for the last half hour, I don't want it to taste like a warm Fruit Roll-Up. I want to chow down on something meatily delicious—like this pair of Brief Jerky. Continue reading » |
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Today, Nikon revealed its D800 DSLR, leaving photo and video nerds alike salivating for samples. Eager to show off the D800's video capabilities, Nikon left it to filmmaker Sandro Miller to create a film meant to make us drool. And so we have Joy Ride, which chronicles the journey of one man and his motorcycle... and not much else aside from a superfluously gross childbirth scene. Continue reading » |
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In the early days of electronic music, sampling was considered theft. In this video from 1988, Fresh Prince — sorry, Will Smith — Jazzy Jeff, Cold Cut, De La Soul and even Tom Petty try and get to the bottom of the question "is sampling art or stealing?" Continue reading » |
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Research has found that one in three UK adults has chucked an old gadget straight in the bin, missing out on an average £43.54 that could've been had if it had been recycled. We are burning £43.54 notes through laziness. Continue reading » |
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Wolfram Alpha may or may not be one of my favourite things in tech right now. It'll spew movie times; compare football stats; help you cheat in Words With Friends and tell you exactly what aeroplane you're staring at in the sky. And now with tomorrow's arrival of Wolfram Alpha Pro, the company, in its founder's words, begins "step 2." Continue reading » |
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Ever heard of a bloke called Ruslan Kogan? No? Well, he's an Australian entrepreneur who's cut-price online electronics shop has already taken Oz by storm, crushing a few of its rivals in the process. Now he's set his sights on Britain. He believes technology can make the world a better place and aims to bring great, affordable electronics to the masses. Continue reading » |
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Americanese fast food outlet Jack in the Box has some crap-your-pants good news that'll make today feel like your birthday: they're going to be selling bacon milkshakes. YES. What's even awesomer: vegetarians, Muslims and Jews can drink it too! Continue reading » |
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These days it's all about asynchronous communication. Gone is the need to actually call people – analogous to standing in front of someone shouting "talk to me now!" -- replaced by email, SMS and a plethora of other messaging services. But when it comes to video calling, how do you send a video message? There's an app for that. Continue reading » |
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Shure has been killing it for years with their line of professional in-ear monitors. In 2010, they turned their attention to full-sized headphones. Does the SRH-940, their latest and greatest closed-back model, earn its keep? Continue reading » |
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You're driving south of St. Petersburg, listening to some John Lennon. The traffic is a little heavy. God, this song is so great—and now, let us pause for an enormous electrical explosion that dominates the entire horizon. Continue reading » |
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Looks like we'll be seeing that awesome £23ish flash-drive sized computer before the end of the month. After facing a few manufacturing issues over in China, the first batch of Raspberry Pis will hop off the production line on the 20th of February and be airfreighted immediately to the UK. Continue reading » |
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Clocks that tell time in fascinating new ways are everywhere. I saw a clock that lit up the quarter hour the other day. It was beautiful. The Nooka app based upon their watches falls into the beautiful timepiece category. It won't replace your regular clock, but it will make checking the time a more invigorating experience. Continue reading » |
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Most of us mere mortals won't make it into space. Some just don't want to; most just don't have the cash. A new £30m roller coaster concept aims to give you an eight-second taste of space by simulating the feeling of zero gravity just like the famous vomit comet. Continue reading » |
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As TVs have packed in more and features, including multiple inputs and internet connectivity, the complexity of the remote has grown to match. Now you're lucky to get a remote shorter than your forearm. This new remote from Samsung, however, will replace the bevy of buttons for a touchpad and Siri-like voice control. Continue reading » |
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You installed that internet-accessible security cam so you could keep an eye on your place while you're out, but it seems everyone else can too. Trendnet's got a serious flaw in its software that lets any old Tom, Dick or Harry spy on you over the net. Continue reading » |
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Let's face it – you can never have too many laptops. Stats show that government officials lose LOADS of them every year, so it pays to have a few lying around in case one slips down the side of the sofa or blows away in a strong wind. Continue reading » |
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On January 20, dozens of New Zealand police's elite special forces broke into Kim Dotcom's mansion with assault helicopters, M4A3 automatic weapons, Glock pistols, dogs, sledgehammers and even a circular chainsaw, as if they were expecting a vicious narco gang waiting inside, armed to the teeth. Continue reading » |
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According to email transcripts posted to Pastebin yesterday, and confirmed by the company, a group of hackers attempted to extort £30,000 from Symantec in exchange for not releasing its stolen PCAnywhere and Norton Antivirus source code. Continue reading » |
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Copyright is meant to protect intellectual property, but the very nature of what can be copyrighted is being called into question. Is porn actually copyrightable or are the smut barons who are going after file sharers barking up the wrong tree? Continue reading » |
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