
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Bob Mansfield’s Back at Apple Because Everyone Hated Scott...

Bob Mansfield’s Back at Apple Because Everyone Hated Scott Forstall

By Leslie Horn 

Apple’s former senior vice president of Hardware Engineering Bob Mansfield has pulled a Michael Jordan and come out of retirement, just after Scott Forstall was pushed out. Coincidental timing? Not a chance, says AllThingsD.

Mansfield retired in August, but came back to Apple in June on a consultant basis. Why just eight weeks of retirement? Money and a fat stock package, obviously. Still, he was just working as an advisor. But now that ol’ Forstall is no more, Mansfield has officially taken on a new position—senior vice president of technologies—and he’s sticking around for at least another two years. 

Forstall is believed to have been ousted from Apple because of the egregious failure that is Apple Maps. But also, no one liked the guy. Apparently Mansfield was a part of that camp, rumored only to only meet with Forstall if Tim Cook was around to mediate. And now that Forstall’s out of the way, it seems at least one exec is much, much happier. And richer, apparently. [AllThingsD]

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